I have spent the last two weeks trying to determine what route to take on my journey through the publishing/leadership project. It is a difficult decision because I would like to do both. I want to take my career to new levels through both publication and presentations. I want to use this opportunity to follow as many possibilities as I can. I know it will not be easy to do double the work but I if I don’t try everything, I will always wonder what could have happened if I made another choice. Doing a project of this nature while still involved in the program is a great benefit. I would like to take the opportunity to get feedback on my prospective submissions. I plan to do both projects and apply to as many journals, publications, and conferences as possible. I am proud of my work I did for my CBR project and would like the opportunity to share my experiences with the world.
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Please make sure to re-title this "Wk2 Free Post: Think Out Loud 1." As for your plan, I wish you success, but take care to only make one submission at a time and wait for the response before resubmitting some where else. Multiple simultaneous submissions are the kiss of death and will get your work universally rejected. Conferences and journals are weird that way. Sorry