Friday, August 5, 2011

Wk 1 Peer Comment-Missy

 I completely agree with you when you said that all art is influenced by another idea.  When I was in art school, we were encouraged to look at artists and try to mimic their style.  I remember professors saying things like, “You work reminds me of…. You should research his/her work. “  Trying new styles of artwork lead to the development of a personal style through discovery of strengths and weaknesses.  It is so important for a society to share ideas.  New innovative discoveries take place because great ideas are developed and built upon. 

Inspiration comes from all over and sometimes ideas need to be tweaked, copied, and remixed to get creativity flowing or to learn the necessary techniques to eventually develop your own style. All art was influenced by another idea so I can see how copyright issues and personal censorship of one’s material can hinder creativity and the progression of our culture as a whole. The videos have shined a new light on how difficult it is for certain material to be continuously publicized to newer generations if the funds are not there; which was a sad result. That’s like your parents telling you to learn from their mistakes but never telling you what their mistakes were. 

Digital Age of Enlightenment-Melissa Cooper
Image Courtesy of Microsoft Office Clip Art

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