Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PE1_Final Cut Pro 7

Video has become something I have enjoyed working with over the course of this program. I have been working with photography for years but never ventured into video.  I like using the camera along with audio to express my thoughts.  While working on the videos for last class in iMovie, I became frustrated with the lack of control I had in editing my video footage.  I wanted more control over the transitions, color correction, and adding moving graphics.  I feel that beginner consumer software generally is easy to use but in the process of making it easy, most of the control over the finished product is lost. (I could go on and on about this. Photoshop versus iPhoto.  InDesign versus Pages, etc.) I looked to professional video editing software to allow me to create my vision.  Half-way through the last class, I began to work with Final Cut Pro 7.  I asked for permission to complete the video tutorials on for Final Cut Pro 7 instead of iMovie so that I can learn more about using this program.  I have completed about 1/3 of the tutorials.  So far most of the information has been very basic but I did learn several different ways to advance footage, create in and out points, and keyboard shortcuts.  I begin the Advanced Editing section tonight.  I am excited to see where this takes me.

Here is a screen shot of my tutorial project and the Final Cut interface.

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