Monday, January 24, 2011


My students are going to begin using the social networking site, Edmodo later this week. I have created a group for each class period. One of the best features of Edmodo is the ability to send a message to designated groups. I can type one message and send it to one class or all of my classes simply by designating the group recipient in the send box.

Edmodo also has built in assignment template. You can post assignment directions complete with due dates.

You can also create polls to send to your group. This option would be great for checking understanding through a short quiz.

Teachers have the ability to connect with other teachers through the Connection option. This screen shows a connection I made with a fellow teacher at my school.

My students are going to create their accounts later this week. They will create accounts using the group code. Then they will add profile pictures and upload photographs to be critiqued by fellow classmates. As part of the final project for Emergent Technologies in a Collaborative Culture, I plan to document my students’ journey using Edmodo. If this assignment is well received I plan to use Edmodo for more through out the semester.

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